Project Management

We Provide Best Project Management in UK

Our project management consultants provide a full range of services from inception to completion. Projects range from new premises to the high quality refurbishment of existing facilities. Annually our team can co-locate with our client teams or offer remote consultancy services to any European destination from our London base.

We are competitive in providing tailored services compared with many of our competitors to the benefit of our clients. Most importantly the project management team will provide the individual hands-on care plus our complete attention to ensure the project runs smoothly.

We have the experience to anticipate and react to any potential problems before they arise to result in a seamless project delivery that fits with the needs of every client’s business.

Our Services

  • Co-ordinate the preparation of initial viability studies and advise on the need for research and feasibility studies.
  • Liaise with agents on co-ordination in connection with move to new premises.
  • Advise on the appointment of consultants and implement appointments.
  • Establish appropriate channels of communication between members of the project team.
  • Co-ordinate project team during the preparation of the design brief.  Clarify the design brief as necessary during design development. Incorporate any changes and obtain authorisation.
  • Develop co-ordinate and report scheme design proposals to Client.
  • Report preferred components, drawings and specifications and obtain approval. Organise amendments, if required and submit final proposals for approval.
  • Establish procedures for checking compliance with designs and specifications and monitor standards of workmanship and materials.
  • Establish meetings structure and timing. Lay down procedure for convening, chairing, attendance, function, frequency and responsibility for recording of meetings and distribution of information.
  • Monitor communications and distribution of information.
  • Ensure appropriate information is provided to the Client. Notify the Client of decisions requiring direct approval.
  • Liaise with the Client, the agents and solicitors in agreeing the terms of agreement for lease.
  • Agree reporting and recording procedures with all project team members.